Bakery Krause
Bakery Krause in Sulau |
The baking profession has deep roots in the Krause family. Its
beginnings were in Sulau, Schlesien, Kreis Militzsch. There my
grandfather Richard Krause learned the trade from his uncle. In
1939, he and his wife, also from a baker's family, took over a
bakery in Festenberg. A year later when my father Rudi was only 6
months old, grandfather had to go to war. The bakery was closed
and grandmother mother Else returned with her child to her
fathers baking business in Jagdhausen. The horrors of World
War II drove the family from Schlesien into the Rochlitz area and
the outcome of the war prevented a return to the old home-place.
There was great joy when grandfather returned from the war- a new
life had begun, at first in Narsdorf near Rochlitz. There
from 1955 until 1960, my grandparents ran a bakery in a former
grocery store.

Bakery Krause in
Rochlitz 1970
In 1960, the business was moved into the shop of former
Rochlitz Master Baker Fritz Lasch, Hauptstraße 9, where it
continues to this day. This building has been a bakery since
1912, before that, it housed the workshop of a coppersmith. At
the time of the move, the bakery was equipped with a gas fired,
steam bake-oven, replacing the old German wood and coal burning
one which had been in use until then.

Master Baker Krause making Stollens
The bakery-building also experienced a
substantial transformation and enlargement. The store had
remained unchanged until 1991. The counter with its white marble
slabs and elegant glass cases, the shop buffet and the typically
old-fashion display window set the tone of its appearance. During
renovations, the shop was substantially enlarged and brought up
to modern standards. In the summer of 1999, the characteristic
inner court of the house was enclosed, thus creating an optimal
solution for the combination of the retail store and the
production area. Further remodeling of the sales room is planned
for the future.

Clara Luise, the youngest Krause baker,
born on June 1st, 1999
Photos by Sven Krause, family chronicle
Although the roots of my family lay elsewhere and I am the
first baker of the family born in Saxony, I feel very strongly
connected with my hometown Rochlitz and her history. Here I
was born and raised, and here I will carry on he family
Sven Krause